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You are not logged in. Click here to login. | 847.854.4799 |
Step 1: Click on the "Start" menu, then "Settings", and then
"Network and Dial-up Connections".
Step 2: When the "Network and Dial-Up Connections" window
appears, double-click on "Make New Connection".
Step 3: When the "Network Connection Wizard" appears, click the
"Next" button.
Step 4: Choose the "Dial-up to the Internet" option and click the
"Next" button.
Step 5: When the "Internet Connection Wizard" appears, choose the
last option to configure your connection manually and click the "Next" button.
Step 6: Choose the first option to connect through a phone line
and click the "Next" button.
Step 7: Enter the area code of your local dialup number and click
the "Next" button. If you do not know which dialup number to use, please use
our Dialup
Finder tool to locate a local number. (This link will open a new browser
window. Close it when you have located your dialup number to return to this
Step 8: Enter your DLS username and password, then click the
"Next" button.
Step 9: When prompted for a name for the dial-up connection,
simply type "DLS" and click the "Next" button.
Step 10: You will then be asked whether you would like to
configure your e-mail account. You may choose "No" here and click the "Next"
button to continue, or you may choose "Yes" and run the Mail wizard. If you
would like to setup your mail now, please click here. If you would
like to skip the setup of your email, choose "No", click the "Next" button and
continue to the next step.
Step 11: That's it! You've successfully configured your dial-up
connection to DLS. Make sure the following box is checked and click the
"Finish" button to use your new dial-up connection. If you have any problems
after this point, please contact DLS Technical Support for