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<< Back To E-Mail Setup Guides

If your e-mail client is not listed on our e-mail setup guides page, you should consult the documentation provided with your e-mail client for instructions on configuring your e-mail client.

DLS dialup, ADSL and wireless customers should use the following settings. If you are a dialup customer dialing outside of the Chicagoland area, you must configure your client to do SMTP authentication to be able to send.

Incoming POP3/IMAP Server:
POP3/IMAP Username: (your DLS account name)
Outgoing SMTP Server:

Customers attempting to send mail while temporarily connected through another provider (for example, a T-1 customer dialing a local ISP at a hotel) will need to use the SMTP server of the local provider they are connected through to send e-mail.

Incoming POP3 Server:
POP3 Username:
Outgoing SMTP Server:

Supported ports for all services:
IMAP: 993 (SSL, encrypted), 143 (not encrypted)
POP3: 995 (SSL, encrypted), 110 (not encrypted)
SMTP: 587 (STARTTLS), 465 (SSL, encrypted), 25 (not encrypted)
Note: Some remote internet providers block SMTP ports and non-encrypted ports.